Friday, December 14, 2007

Today Was "Go to the Mall" Day

Going to the mall was a terrific time today....since my daugher and I went very early in the morning, when much of the Christmas shoppers were not out in droves yet. We were going to buy flats at Payless Shoe Stores, but we ended going to other stores and buying many other things.........she bought jeans at Hollister's which is a "surf" store that sells California-style clothing..with an adorable logo of a seagull. Then we went to Old Navy and Aeropostle....she also bought s few tank tops to add to her collection......When we finally came home she modeled the stuff she bought in front of her dad......I said "do you think that is such a good might make him loose his breath and he will have to go back to the hospital again~?!!" LOL........

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hubby Is Feeling Sooooo Much Better.........!

Know how I know he is feeling better~~~he is sitting in front of the computer, playing Texas Hold 'Em poker on AOL games.....last time it was clocked at 3 hrs, 15 minutes and 7 seconds...and that was yesterday.......he got up from his chair with little or no consideration to his cane he keeps next to him leaning against the wall. Next project is to get him to go out and walk down the end of the driveway, to the mailbox and retrieve the daily mail~~!!!! That would be worthy of a great big kiss on the cheek............WTG~!!!! Darling~`!!!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thought For The Day

"It isn't the load that breaks us down,
it's the way we carry it..........."

He Walked a Few Laps Around the Living Room

Hubby decided to walk a few laps around the living room...with the aid of that "walker" with the chrome wheels, racing stripes and all~~~He's looking just smashing..with his haircut.....and smile from ear to ear...It was good to see.........I can tell he is feeling much better....maybe that was brought on by the good report he recieved from the doctor on his visit yesterday.....who knows.....but it is definitely a wondrois thing to behold.....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thought For The Day

"Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction"

Applied for Unemployment Compensation Today.....

Today I filled out an application for UC for by ill husband, who is on medical leave from his job. Since Florida doesn't have and unemployment office everything is done via the internet....which I hate doing, especially when you have to give personal information like banking or Social Security. Gee, it was like filling out one of those employment questionaires where those silly "yes", "no" questions are asked..that are pages long. Whatever happened to only needing to know 'previous employment" and schooling? So after you do that.....there is a "confirmation" number given to you, so you can see if you were denied otr not~~~~~~~I guess we will just have to stay tuned~~~~~

Analysis of GOP Debate....Is it truly worth it?

It is not my usual forte to critique any GOPer, but I couldn't resist this one last night...on CNN....with questions from folks doing videos on YouTube. It was nothing short of a slugfest....with frontrunner Rudy Guiliani.....and lord knows why he still continues to be referred to as the "frontrunner", and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney debating the subject of illegal immigration. Fred Thompson, former Tennessee Senator and actor showed why he is definitely an actor...and not a very good one.....but an actor nevertheless.....he needs a script, in his discussion about the abortion issue which shouldn't have been such a difficult issue for him to discuss since he did work as a lobbyist for a pro-choice organization...and is now being endorsed by a right to life organization....then again....could be some degree of difficulty there...hmmm.....which is why a script might have been in the offing. Former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, whom I often refer to as "Chuckles" Huckabee, because of his smiley face and no holes barred attitude...he definitely is consistent in his stances on issues. Ron Paul as usual was left out in the cold...which I think is not fair at all......he should have used the Mike Gravel line...."what am I ...a potted plant?" All in all it wasn't a very informative debate....but it was quite entertaining. Too bad the story about Rudy using taxpayer money in NYC to fund his taudry affair with Judith Nathan(now his third wife) while he was mayor, didn't come out much sooner......would have been very much the subject matter for YouTubers~!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thinking Today

"Democracy Inaction~!" Thats what is happening in this country today.........

Now He Wants An Ice Cube!

.....And you know what I say to that~? "The frig is over there....." pointing to the refrigerator over by the stove.....hoping that he will see that getting up from the chair isn't a difficult feat to do...and walking, however slowly, a few feet from the TV room to the kitchen, which is only around the breakfast counter, separating the kitchen from the TV room. He's gotten the getting up from the bed and slowing mosying from the edge of the bathroom, which in my opinion is much more difficult a task to do, than opening up the freezer door and retreiving any number of ice cubes for his glass of tea. Why, the calories you would also use up just attempting that maneuver~!!

Hubby Is Home From Hospital

It is rather a scary thought having your husband 'bitch" at you for no reason at all, after leaving the hospital I call the "germ-factory", if not a "hell-hole". He was there for 10 days...presumably for a pulmonary embolism..which was desolved and gone in three days....but they were giving him all these batttery of tests to figure out where it came from, to no avail~!!! Now I have to deal with the brunt of the man's crankiness from being couped-up in a very uncomfortable hospital bed....he is stiff and irritable....and needs to walk with a walker and cane as a result of his athritis acting up from not getting the rehab he should have. Like it's my fault~!!!!?!! After I told the man for months that he needs to be more mobile and exercise those muscles and joints by walking and doing stretching exercises. He ignored me then....and he is punishing himself, by lashing -out at me now~!!! I am trying to be patient.....I am trying to force him to either do things himself or at least get the message about it, but it is getting more and more difficult, when my 30 yr old son keeps being the man's enabler....and gives me the "George W. Bush smirk" when I mention anything about, not helping his father....."Enough is Enough~!!!"~~~already!

New Zogby Poll Has Hillary Losing To Top Five Republicans

Considering how polls are so fleeting......Gallup was taken towards the beginning of the month of November, this Zogby poll was taken less than a week ago....both polls are correct in their data, at the time they were taken.......and knowing polling is not scientific......because they are randomly two polls can poll the same people at the same time as a group......but I have to say, realizing how right on the money in its predictions that Zogby was in 2006........getting all but one prediction correct...there is good reason why Hillary advisor Mark Penn is a bit disgruntled about it at the moment.....

Yippee~~!!! Back To My Same Old Stomping Ground

Thought For the day~~~~

"knowing others is intelligence,
knowing yourself is true wisdom"

Friday, November 10, 2006

What Mythological Creature are you?

You scored as .

created with

Monday, September 18, 2006


Happy 14th Birthday.......!!!!! Stephanie.

May you enjoy the day...keep smiling........smiles make all your dreams and hopes and wishes come true........




"The man who sees absolutes, where all other men see nuances and shades of meaning------------

---is either a prophet or a quack....!!
*Keith Olbermann*


Today I woke up.......shivering from I guess could be described as the "ice zone".....I looked at the windows of my bedroom and they were frosted over----I thought I was having a nightmare!!!! I live in Florida you see and this sort of stuff should'nt be happening!!!! then I said maybe the air conditioner is up to high? But was at a calming 78 degrees............the only problem I could see was that there was a need to fillit up with I called my contractor to come out and fill it....which he did....yet to my surprise...he told me that there is a leak in the convertor.....and gave me quotes on new machines or other sugestions, Too be determined later.

Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006,11 am-3pm was my local county's Democratic Party annual picnic. I truly did want to attend. I knew it was going to be in September, but didnt know the exact date. I recieved an e-mail from one of my fellow party loyalists...saying they didnt sent me an invitation cause they didnt have my address.....I felt that was a strange message cause they would have had it and the voters registration office if they had bothered to look. Being a bit perplexed....I e-mailed my address to them......and sure enough I did recieve an invitation on Saturday Sept.16, 2006 in my postal mailbox...postman delivered it at much for picnics run by political parties! I can still attend Oktoberfest this coming weekend!!!