Monday, February 27, 2006


"Your future depends on many things........but mostly on you"

End of Mardi Gras....Tommorrow "Fat Tuesday"

Hope Weds. will be "Skinny Weds".........Bravo New Orleans for keeping your spirit!!!!!! Some of those nay-sayers who pooh-poohed the show are just Scrooges anyhow!! What do they expect?.......New Orleans to just lay down and die all over again????? I think not! So once agin..BRAVO!!!!! BRAVO!!!!! NOLA!!!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

What Was he Thinking?!!

This takeover of six of our seaports by UAE and the government run DubaiPorts World Comapny has not gone over well...........To even think that Bush who just a day before this event was to reach a fever pitch....Bush once again envokes the words, 'Trust me'....hmmmmm! like we did after Sept.11, 2001?, like we did when you promised to get Bin Laden in Afghanistan?, like you said Iraq invasion/occupartion would be a "Cake walk"?, Like FEMA was doing a great job dealing with the aftermath of Huricane Katrina?........Okay...I trust you to do the right thing...I trust to be more open with your thinking......I trust you to be a man, I trust you to walk in the footsteps of President Nixon,I trust you to resign............

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Live & Learn

If a child lives with criticism,
he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility
he learns to fight.
If a child liveswith ridicule,
he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame
he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
he learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise,
he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
he learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
he learns to have faith.
If a lives with approval,
he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,
he learns to find love in the world.


This is a wonderful inspirational thought for not only today but everyday!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hope Springs Eternal.........

Why I watch 24/7 news channels is still a mystery to is watching the Olympics!.....With the media not having an ounce of objectivity, and with Michelle Kwan out because of injury...why bother watching?! Now would be a good time to be creative and think about doing my backyard habitat garden to attract the Red-throated Hummingbird and some pretty butterflies I have'nt seen since I was a kid. I guess its long overdue to see if my "green thumb" is still green!

Friday, February 17, 2006

A smile makes you beautiful!

My husband says I'm I look in the mirror.........what do I see.......? a woman who stopped smoking and put on a few pounds...cellulite gallore on my fanny.......a few wrinkles on my face and what's surprising.......I am still smiling.........:))


"If you want to see a rainbow, you have to endure a little rain!"

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Give Us This day..............

Today is quite sunny and truly is a Florida day.........the sky is a pretty blue and the clouds are fluffy like cotton candy...............The new house being built behind mine is almost finished....the yard needs to be put in place...........too much building going on round these parts.........just today on the radio I heard their is nw a population of 141,000 in my town....when we moved here just 5 years before there was only 75,000!!!! Prays beeee.......!!!!!!

My son Jason is home from work today with the flu, my yiung daughter Stephanie is at school......she is having a dance during 7th period today and a basketball game she's going to son Kevin is at work now,,,he had a late day today.........Working at Wendy's and realizing Mr. Bush went to a Wendy's yeaterday to tout his "healthcare savings plan"..made me laugh!!1!! when one gets paid $6.75 per hr.........they aint thinking about healthcare savings accounts...just something else to ponder!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Today Is...........

Sunny.....a bit chilly though.......not at all what one would expect being in Florida.........wondering whether or not to go to Walgreens...need to get some things there..........I might even put in an application for employment........saw Bush at a Wendy's restaurant on tv.....maybe I should tell my son who works at one about his prospects for getting health insurance....looks pretty grim with Bush pushing this "ownership society" stuff,,,,,,,,UGH!!!!! :((

Act of Desperation,or Politics as Usual?

When I heard about Paul Hackett dropping out of the race for the nomination to run against Sen. DeWine for US Senate of OH, I was thoroughly disgusted. As a Democrat, I would really like for the party to explain to me what they truly stand for? After Mr. Hackett was recruited by the Senate Democrat Campaign Committee, Sen. Chuck Schumer to be exact, with the ok of Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate Minority leader, because of his terrific showing against Jean Schmidt(I refer to her as "Miss LooneyTunes"), now because of some percieved notion that just because a Congressman is in the running for the nomination, the party loyalty and monies should go to him, because they believe Rep. Sherrod Brown has a better chance of winning. This, frankly seems quite lame because nobody knows for sure what the outcome of an election will be (at least it used to be that way)
I know that the Democrats want to regain majority in the Senate, but this betrayal of Paul Hackett tweeks of desperation. I want the Democrats to regain majority status toobecause we need accountability, real oversight and checks and balances of this government, but I do not believe you have to run rough-shot over someone to do so. If this is the way things are done in the Democrat party, it is pretty clear why good,decent people refuse to run for political office anymore, and if this is just plain politics as usual, it is equally clear why the Democrats will most likely be the minority party for some time to come. This realization hurts me to the core of my being, and I really do want my beloved party to explain this one to me


"Things work out best,for people who make the best of the way things work out"
*John Wooden*