Today I woke up.......shivering from I guess could be described as the "ice zone".....I looked at the windows of my bedroom and they were frosted over----I thought I was having a nightmare!!!! I live in Florida you see and this sort of stuff should'nt be happening!!!! then I said maybe the air conditioner is up to high? But no...it was at a calming 78 degrees............the only problem I could see was that there was a need to fillit up with freeon.....so I called my contractor to come out and fill it....which he did....yet to my surprise...he told me that there is a leak in the convertor.....and gave me quotes on new machines or other sugestions, Too be determined later.
Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006,11 am-3pm was my local county's Democratic Party annual picnic. I truly did want to attend. I knew it was going to be in September, but didnt know the exact date. I recieved an e-mail from one of my fellow party loyalists...saying they didnt sent me an invitation cause they didnt have my address.....I felt that was a strange message cause they would have had it and the voters registration office if they had bothered to look. Being a bit perplexed....I e-mailed my address to them......and sure enough I did recieve an invitation on Saturday Sept.16, 2006 in my postal mailbox...postman delivered it at 3:30pm..........so much for picnics run by political parties! I can still attend Oktoberfest this coming weekend!!!
Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006,11 am-3pm was my local county's Democratic Party annual picnic. I truly did want to attend. I knew it was going to be in September, but didnt know the exact date. I recieved an e-mail from one of my fellow party loyalists...saying they didnt sent me an invitation cause they didnt have my address.....I felt that was a strange message cause they would have had it and the voters registration office if they had bothered to look. Being a bit perplexed....I e-mailed my address to them......and sure enough I did recieve an invitation on Saturday Sept.16, 2006 in my postal mailbox...postman delivered it at 3:30pm..........so much for picnics run by political parties! I can still attend Oktoberfest this coming weekend!!!
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