Friday, April 28, 2006


If you want to see a rainbow, you have to endure a little bit of rain!"

TGIF......Thank You Very Much

Friday has always been a good day to vent.......if not ponder.....I don't ponder much however...........pander could be a better word...........Yikes!!! yet another week gone.............another walk to the perverbial wall a gaze and a mark on the calender for the week and month coming up...........I just pander to my family, my friends...since you know...pandering is just talk...........venting is blowing off steam...and pondering is just thinking.........all however can be overdone...but anyway....TGIF....Friday........Thank God you're here

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


"Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times,
It is the only time you've got"
Art Buchwald

Policy as Well as Ploitics Always Creates Diversions

First it was immigration to get away from the subject of the selling of US ports to the principality of Dubai, instead of talking about the national security of this it wasthe playing of audio from the cockpit voice recorder on United Airlines FLT 93 during the Zacharias Moussaoi trial to get people to stop ranting about who leaked classified info about secret torture camps in europe run by the CIA...instead of who leaked the name of a covert CIA agent just to get even with her here we have outrageous gas prices to deal with....and whos to blame?...certainly not Mr. Bush...with yet another speech talking about conservation and alternative fuels ..makes him sound like the best enviornmentalist around instead of one of the worst oil men around.........and the GOP talking points are about the Democrats denying drilling in ANWR..(Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge)...the last pristine wilderness on the planet that soon will be detroyed by if not Global Warming...than certainly drilling! Maybe this outfit just doesnt want to face the fat that he is at 32% approval and sinking fast....I just have to wonder if the ppl that voted for this jerk are still happy about it?

Friday, April 21, 2006

Comparative Issues

There are no "exes" in my life-----so neither should there be in yours. I am having a very hard time with this 'second thing" I don't know how to do it! I have always been "first"....First born, first to graduate, first to move out of the house...and so on..." This is a comparative issue......the second is always compared to the first. First love, first wife, first daughter, first mariage...thr only good thing is "second chances"..........

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


"Do not compare yourself with others, You may become vain and bitter; for there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself........."

* Excerpt from "Desiderata"

I Think I Hit a Nerve.....Today

I do believe that when I "hit a nerve" I hit it good...............I asked my husband a question this morning.........."why don't you have paper money to give to our daughter for lunch today?".......He practically bit my head off with his what I thought was a simple question............."I DON"T HAVE ANY MONEY FOR GAS IN THE CAR EITHER>>>>>>>>"...then I said....< "Gosh, why all of a sudden are you so touchy about what I asked you?"...No response .......just alot of huffing and puffing..............Gee......I thought he was hyperventilating!!!!!!!....Then I just had to ask it did'nt I............"Why all of a sudden don't you have any money.......? What happened to your $750?" and this is what I got in return........"I HAD TO PAY SOME BILLS>>>>INCLUDING YOUR PROPERTY TAX..........." I reponded, " Well, you certainly don't have any trouble finding any money to play the lottery........" s*i*l*e*n*c*e for about a minute......A deep inhaling *sigh*.......then with a quivering sound in his voice, " I need to go out and get gas in the car, now.......s*i*l*e*n*c*e............................